bullying has become a common menace and is spreading its net all over the
globe. Most students and children use computers these days. Internet may have
its advantages, but it has also opened the doors to a whole fresh set of
crimes. Since, the nature of the crime is slightly different and the source of
it is not physically present, many parents do not pay enough heed to such
things. But cyber bullying has emerged as potentially dangerous and cases have
been recently reported wherein children have even committed suicide after being
severely bullied on the net.
sites are largely responsible for the spread of such nefarious activities.
Truth be told, it is not the fault of the social networking sites, but the
fault of the children who break regulations and join sites after giving
incorrect information about their age. Partly, the parents can also be blamed
since they often get occupied in their chores and do not keep a track of the
online activities of their kids. So, the next time you shop for WOLVOL Camera Netbooks, you must take a personal pledge
that you will follow the online activities of your child.
if your child appears slightly sunken in spirits or seems to be suffering from
some trauma or guilt inwardly, then you must try to talk to him and find out
what is exactly bothering him. Another wise suggestion will be to set a time
limit beyond which the child shall not be permitted to operate the gadget.
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